Monday 11 May 2015

Biggest myths about dogs

Dog myths have been around since the domestication of dogs, and some of them stick around even today. Which ones are true and which ones are not? Here are the most ridiculous dog myths we see time and time again.

Dogs eat grass only if they are sick

Dog's ancestors such as wolves ate an entire animal — stomach contents included. Small prey animals usually fed off of grasses and berries, and that’s most likely where the taste for grass originated. Most recent research indicates that quite simply put, dogs just like to eat grass. If the grass is treated with chemicals then it could be hazardous to your pet. Some vets do believe that dogs will intentionally consume large amounts of grass to induce vomiting if they feel unwell.

A dog will be fine in the car as long as you crack the windows

Remember to never, ever do this, even if you think you are only running out for a minute. Even in cool temperatures the heat inside a vehicle can rise quickly, and this is even more dangerous in warmer temperatures. Leaving your dog inside the vehicle is as bad as placing your dog in an oven and turning up the heat. Remember also to make sure that your dog has comfortable conditions inside the car ( buy him one of our comfy carbeds ).

Dogs are colorblind

The canine retina indicates that dogs can see some colors, primarily blues, yellows, greens and shades of gray.

A wagging tail is a sign of a happy dog

False. Tail wagging can also be a sign of fear, anxiety or impending aggression. The tail may wag slower, erratically or while inverted on a dog’s back.

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