Monday 8 June 2015

Do you love dogs more then you love other peopole?

The old saying states that dogs are man’s best friends. And sometimes we love our furry friends more than other people. But how to be sure who we love more? Here are some examples.

First - you’d cuddle your dog over anyone else any day. Dogs bodies make the best pillows you can find.

Cuddle with your dog

When you meet a new baby, you smile and say “aw,” but when you meet a new puppy, you squeal, jump up and spew out unintelligible words of affection. Deep down you know that nothing is cuter than a baby dog.

Baby human and baby dog

Another example. If your dog doesn’t like the date you brought home, you refuse to ask them on a second date. Dogs have a great sense for judging character - they can't be wrong.

You would never watch someone sleep because it's creepy but you could spend hours watching your dog sleep. Their little smushy faces are just so cute.

Your dog’s toys, accessories, bed and clothes are probably worth more than your own wardrobe. That’s not even factoring the amount of money you’ve spent on others thing for your puppy.

Comfy SOFA bed for dogs

You need a facebook reminder for your friends’ birthdays, but you very well remember your dog day or birthday? It's a sign who is more important for you.

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