Monday 28 September 2015

How to introduce your dog to your baby - a quick guide

Dogs are very in tune with us so they easily mirror our feelings like anticipation before pregnancy but they don't understands what this realy mean to new order in house when baby will be born. Experts recommend that you prepare the family dog before the baby arrives. In order to minimize stress for the dog and reduce the chance of an accident you can make some preparations - here is our guide what to do.

First of all, focus on leadership. These 9 month before baby is born is more than enough time for you and your pet to work through most issues and get rid of unwanted habits.

Moreover try to claim your baby's scent. Bring an item that contains your baby's scent to home before you bringing baby back. Allow pet to sniff this item from a distance, while you are holding it so your dog understand that this is yours and you are giving him premision to sniff. This way you will establish clean boundries and help your dog to respect also your baby.

You should also condition your dog to understand that there is an invisible barrier that he may not cross without your permission. Eventually, you can allow your dog to explore and sniff certain things in the baby's room with your supervision and by doing this you will let your dog know that this room belongs to its pack leader ( you ) and dog must respected it.

When baby will be already in home you need to make propper introduction. Take your dog for a long walk and make sure you drain all of his energy. Before entering the house, your dog will instantly know there is someone new inside it. If you have already introduced the scent of baby, it will be somewhat familiar. Person holding the baby must be in a completely calm state. Then you should allow your dog to sniff the baby, but from respectful distance. During this first meeting, do not bring the baby too close. There will be time for this later.

Learing your dog respect for baby is important but you should alos teach your newborn about your dog. Once your child is in the exploratory state, it is important to supervise all interactions between him and pet. This is a great opportunity to teach your child not to bother the dog, yank his tail, etc.

If you are planning to transport your dog and baby together in car, it would be good idea to buy your dog propper car bed that will separete him from baby seating in his own car seat.

In addition to this, don't forget about your dog. Baby is very time-absorbing and dog does not need any new toys extra attention to feel important but you need to maintain the routine, providing daily walks and leadership.


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