Tuesday 6 October 2015

Caring for senior dog - a short guide

As your dog ages, many of his basic needs will begin to change. In this guide we will try help you understand what you need to do to keep your senior dog happy and healthy.

As you may know, dogs are very good at hiding their health problems and as an owner, it’s your responsibility to keep an eye on your senior dog and changes that take place in your pet body.
You need to know that different sized dogs age at varying rates, with larger dogs reaching senior status much sooner than smaller dogs.Most pet become seniors between 7 and 10 years old.

When your pet gets older you need to constantly watch out for his health issues. You and your vet will begin looking for specific issues that become more prevalent as a dog ages. Similar to humans, regular health checkups become increasingly important as dogs grow older. According to experts you should take your dog to a vet at least once every half year. By doing it you will promote your dog’s health and longevity. Have chance to recognize and control your pup’s health risks and detect any illnesses at their earliest stages.

Furthermore it's very important that you keep up with routine preventive care such as parasite prevention, dental care, vaccinations, and nutritional management, because with age your dog’s immune system weakens.

Moreover, when your dog become senior you need to adjust his nutrition. Special foods designed for senior dogs often have less fat, but not lower protein levels. You can always ask your vet which food will be best for your senior dog.

In addition to this, senior dogs can’t regulate their body temperature as well as they could in their younger days. So it is very important to keep your pet warm but at the same time protect them from conditions in which they may overheat.

Dog bed with orthopedic mat.

Older dog very often has arthritis, so he may prefer a ramp instead of walking up the stairs. What is more, you probably need to buy him special bed designed to promote orthopedic health.

Source: e-doggy.co.uk

1 comment:

  1. Thank you for sharing your short guide on how to to take care of the senior dog. Yes I agree with you that they need these things like special bed. The exotic animal veterinarian advised that they have lots of health issues that's why we need to be sensitive to their needs.
